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Casque audio - voix-off d'une marque

Voice-over for a brand’s audio identity

What is a brand’s audio identity? A brand’s sound identity can be made up of music, voice-over or both. Find out more below. When we think of a brand’s identity, we often instinctively think of its visual, graphic logo. For example, if I say “Nike”, you think of the famous comma representing the famous sports brand. However, we sometimes forget the brand’s audio identity. And yet it’s just as important for a brand, whatever its area of expertise. Sound identity could be described as an audio logo. This audio logo breaks down into two distinct things: the music used and the voice-over. This can take the form of music composed especially for the brand, but also a voice-over that clearly states the brand name and/or slogan in a well-defined and recognisable way. The effect of music on consumers has been studied on several occasions and in several situations. Music in advertising is one of them. Music creates emotion, and advertising seeks to arouse that emotion in consumers to encourage them to buy. There are ‘codes’ in advertising – both in terms of image and sound. For example, the music used for perfume or coffee adverts is always in the same style: something reminiscent of luxury, a grandiose, slow and ‘suspended’ universe. Sound identities known to all A sound logo takes the form of an audio jingle. Something short, recognisable by all. If it’s successful, it can even be “read”. Here are a few examples of sound identities in print: The brand can also use a voice-over to create its sound identity. In this case, the music/jingle and the voice-over are completely independent of each other. The sound identity may consist solely of an audio jingle, solely of a voice-over, or a mixture of the two. When a brand decides to create its sound identity using a voice-over, it is essential that the voice is in keeping with the brand. The voice will represent the brand as a whole in the same way as a visual logo. With the advent of audio media such as podcasts, YouTube videos and connected speakers like Alexa or Google, brands are increasingly turning to the creation of a sound identity that is specific to their brand image. There are an infinite number of ways to create a sound logo, and several companies offer to do it for your brand, such as Getasound. What happens at the check-in and briefing? I was lucky enough to be contacted by Getasound to do the voice-over for the brand identity of ‘Nunka‘, a brand of craft beer from Bordeaux created by Bernard Magrez. Having already worked with Getasound, they had already listened to my demo tape several times and suggested it to the client. When we first got in touch, Getasound explained to me the dynamic we were looking for in this new brand: a dynamic, young female voice that inspires freshness. They also told me about the company’s values, which are sharing, passion, pleasure and creativity, as well as the core target audience: men and women aged between 18 and 35. They wanted to keep the craft spirit of their beer, the local feel, but not make it something old-fashioned. At the same time, a musical jingle was being composed. I recorded three different iterations of the slogan: “Nunka, l’artisanale de Bordeaux… The creative beer“. The deadline for this project was fairly tight. As the voice-over is often the last element to be added to the project, companies sometimes have very tight deadlines. So I adapt to everyone’s needs in terms of deadlines. As the brief for this project was very detailed and clear, it wasn’t difficult to understand what the client wanted. The client for Nunka beer was happy with the three versions I sent them. So they mixed the voice-over with the musical jingle to finalise the sound identity, which you can find below. Do you want to create your own sound identity and are you looking for a female voiceover artist?

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Image radio on air Justine Petitjean Voix off

The importance of radio voice-overs: Bringing the airwaves to life

In the world of radio, voice-overs play a crucial role in creating a captivating auditory experience for listeners. With no image, everything relies on sound, and therefore, the voice. Whether announcing programmes, presenting advertisements or telling stories, voice-overs bring a unique dimension to broadcasting. Creating a distinctive sound identity Radio voice-overs play an essential role in creating a distinctive audio identity for a station. Every radio station wants to stand out from the competition and be instantly recognisable to listeners. A well-chosen voice can become a key element of this audio identity. Radio voice-overs play an essential role in creating a distinctive audio identity for a station. Every radio station wants to stand out from the competition and be instantly recognisable to listeners. A well-chosen voice can become a key element of this audio identity. When people turn on the radio, the first thing that strikes them is the voice that speaks to them. A distinctive, warm, energetic or even eccentric voice can immediately attract the attention and interest of listeners. This voice becomes an integral part of the radio experience and creates an emotional connection with the audience. Loyal listeners to a radio station can often instantly recognise the voice of a specific presenter or voiceover, even before they are introduced. As well as the voice itself, technical elements such as sound quality, equalisation and the use of specific sound effects can help to create a distinctive sound identity. For example, some radio stations may choose to use voice-overs with subtle reverb to give an impression of space and depth to their sound. Others may prefer clearer, crisper voices for a more modern, professional approach. In addition to the identity of the station as a whole, voice-overs can also contribute to the identity of specific programmes. For example, an alternative music programme might have a young, energetic voiceover to match its target audience, while a political talk show might opt for a more serious, authoritative voiceover. Each show has its own personality On any given radio station, there is a plethora of different programmes dealing with a wide variety of subjects. As a result, the programme packaging will be different and personalised according to the image conveyed by the programme. But first of all, what’s the difference between radio packaging and programme packaging? Radio packaging (or sound packaging) refers to all the sound effects applied to a radio station, from jingles and time slots to programme packaging. So yes, programme packages are part of radio packaging. Programme wraps refer to all sound effects, but for a programme within that radio station. These include the programme jingle, the programme intro and outro, brief sound elements throughout the programme to hold the listener’s attention, etc. And what about the voice-over? Well, take a programme broadcast on Wednesday afternoons and aimed at a fairly young audience. The voice used for the intro or outro of this programme will be drastically different from the one chosen for a programme broadcast at night and whose concept is based on horror stories! Although there’s nothing to stop a voiceover actor from lending his or her voice to both programmes, albeit in a totally different style! Voice-overs add a dimension of personality to radio programmes. Radio presenters can also use voice-overs to create fictional characters or bring interviews to life using different voices. This makes programmes more dynamic and engaging for listeners. Voice-overs can also add humour, emotion or suspense, creating an immersive radio experience. My voice on the radio I recently became the official voice of RJR radio in Reims. I started by doing a few occasional voices for them, such as announcements of events taking place in the region, concerts, and then more recently two programme wraps. In the interests of modernity, they wanted to change their on-air voice. But what is a ‘modern radio voice’? Well, here again, it’s very subjective and depends, among other things, on the target audience. For the RJR team, they were looking for a young voice, but above all a natural voice, as if (and I do mean as if) no effort had been made to record this voice, almost with a phlegm in the voice. After several discussions, we came to the conclusion that podcasts were taking up more and more space compared to radio. And the people who host or dress up the podcasts, who don’t necessarily come from radio, are above all offering content, not a particular voice or advanced technique. Listeners are increasingly used to hearing voices that sound like they do in everyday life, with no frills. After several trials, we managed to find the right mix of ‘natural’, but of course professional. And here we are:

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Voix-off féminine en ligne pour votre répondeur professionnel

Create a memorable first impression with an online female voiceover for your IVR

In today’s business world, every interaction counts. But the one that stands out above the rest is the very first impression your customers will have of your company. And one of the key elements in making that first impression a memorable one is your business telephone answering machine. A carefully chosen voiceover can make the difference between an ordinary experience and an interaction that stays in the mind. When a potential customer or partner calls your company, they are making direct and personal contact with your brand. The voice that greets them plays a crucial role in this first impression. So it’s natural to want the voiceover to create something positive, and that voice is a valuable asset. Its tone, clarity and professionalism help to create a welcoming and reliable atmosphere. The customer feels confident from the very first words, and doesn’t have to make an effort to understand because the sound is so good. The message is clear, the voice smiling and soothing. Opting for a professional voiceover also gives you the opportunity to infuse your company with personality. Or, conversely, to choose a voiceover that matches your company’s personality. The voice then becomes an extension of your brand identity, and fits seamlessly into your brand’s sound identity. Whether you’re aiming for a warm, friendly tone, a more formal approach or something more offbeat, voiceover can be adapted to your specific needs. Consistency in communication is essential to building a strong brand image. As I said earlier, that’s why it’s important to choose a voiceover that’s consistent with your brand image. But it’s also important to maintain consistency throughout your telephone messages: by using the same voiceover from the welcome message to the on-hold announcements, you create a consistent experience for your customers. This consistency reinforces your brand recognition and contributes to a positive user experience. So, ready to integrate a professional answering machine for your business? Find out more about my phone ads via my demo!

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planisphère monde international - voix-off française partout dans le monde

International French-speaking voiceover

Although I live in France, I don’t limit myself to the borders of the hexagon when it comes to work.I grew up in the Champagne region, then in the Lyon region. I studied theatre for many years at the Conservatoire, where diction was very rigorous. We were taught to have “no accent”, or at least to erase as much as possible the one we might have. But what does it mean to have no accent? Is it the French accent? But there is not just one. And yet, for other countries such as Belgium, Switzerland or Canada, the French in mainland France is indeed tainted by an accent. In France, we can take as an example the presenters of the 8 o’clock news on major national channels like TF1. These people work not only on their elocution (no accent, good diction), but also on the “prosody of the journalist”. The combination of the two allows us, the viewers, to understand the message and therefore the news. During my elocution exercises, I work on erasing all my language reflexes that could be related to an accent from one or other of the regions in which I grew up. For example, in Champagne-Ardenne, we notice that the ‘A’s get closer to the ‘O’s. So, thanks to this work on what could be called “neutrality of elocution”, my voice is as neutral as possible, thus enhancing the text, and therefore the message of the script for which the client contacts me. As a French person from Metropolitan France, we sometimes find it difficult to understand Canadian French at first sight, and vice versa. That’s why it’s very important to choose the right voiceover for your clients’ geographical target. Many of my clients are Belgian, Swiss or even Luxembourgian. For example, I have worked for the Belgian brand Organix or for the Royal Academy of Belgium. I am used to working from my home studio and can therefore send the files anywhere in the world. It’s very easy! Are you looking for a French female voice-over actress? I’m the voice you need!

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micro école de la voix justine petitjean

Voice-over formation

Ma formation voix-off For the past two weeks I’ve been lucky enough to do a voice-over course at the Ecole de la Voix.  A team of speakers in a beautiful setting, and that’s it! The training is very complete. From the theory of how our voice instrument works to practice at the microphone and simulated sessions, I now have all the keys in hand to continue to work and launch myself as a voice-over artist.  By the way, I’ve been talking about voice-overs since the beginning of this article, but do you know the difference between voice-overs and dubbing? No, it’s not the same thing! Dubbing is simply replacing the actor’s voice (in fiction, documentary, or other) by the translated voice (for us, in French). It is for example the French voice of your favourite series!  Voice-overs are, for example, all commercial voices (TV or radio), narration voices, documentary voices (those who tell you that there is still hope for the Earth, for example). But it can also be cartoon voices! So what I was trained in this week was voice-over. And I really enjoyed it! We even had an introduction to dubbing, and that made me want to learn that too. It’s a real discovery!

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le micro de Justine

Becoming a female voice-over

Becoming a female voice-over I trained as a Voice Talent at the Ecole de la Voix in Chazay-d’Azergues in the Lyon area. During this training, which I mentioned in a previous article, I discovered the voice-over profession. In order to continue to progress and work, I equipped myself with my own home studio. I use it to train, but also to deliver to clients who do not have access to a studio. Below you will find some samples of my voice. These excerpts have been recorded as examples only and I am not the original voice in these excerpts. They allow studio professionals and clients to hear my voice in particular contexts. For example, in advertising, e-learning or institutional projects. I also have a lot of fun recording voices that are different from my natural voice, such as children’s voices or old ladies’ voices. These voices, although not – at first sight – destined for commercials or companies, are used in the creation of characters in the case of dubbing cartoons, for example. I let you listen below and discover my different voices! My equipment For practice purposes, I have my own home studio, which also allows me to work from home when necessary. Audiotechnica ATH-M50x headphones Audiobox USB 96 sound card Lewit LCT 440 PURE mic Antipop On the software side, I work with :  Adobe Audition Listen to my voice

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Voix off femme institutionnel Justine Petitjean

Corporate french voice over

The corporate voice over The institutional voiceover is a voice that could be described as serious and professional. It is not promotional or cartoonish. Its purpose is to present a company or to communicate internally within the company. The voice must therefore correspond to the company’s image.  Below you can find excerpts of french corporate women’s voice-overs that I have recorded over the past few years.  Yoobic Yoobic is a digital platform for communication between different sectors within a company. The client wanted a dynamic and young voice, just like the platform. I recorded this project in 2020. OKWind This video, recorded by OKWind, has been shown at energy fairs. It is aimed at anyone responsible for wastewater treatment plants. The tone was meant to be explanatory. Patrowl Patrowl aims to protect businesses from cybercrime. The client asked for a “worried” tone at the beginning of the video, and a more reassuring one in the second part, to echo how their clients feel when they call on them. ECAM Rennes When I recorded this video for ECAM Rennes (general engineering school), the student fairs were cancelled due to Covid-19. So, in order to present their school to future baccalaureate students, ECAM Rennes decided to turn to the digital format. Here I am playing the role of a student from this school, answering questions and talking about her experience. Need a french female voiceover for your corporate project? Contact me

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